I am not sure which aggravates me more, the fact that our Senate appears to be too dumb to understand that rewarding illegal behavior encourages further illegal behavior, or that once again Democrats have ignored the needs of a constituency that they know has no recourse.
The Democratic party, that is, the supposedly liberal party that is supposed to be the friend to lesbian, gay, and bisexual Americans, has omitted any provision that would allow for citizenship for same-sex spouses of American citizens. I am not sure why this should be a surprise to me, as it was after all, a Democratic president who signed DOMA into law in 1996. But yet, I continue to be amazed at the willingness of the Democratic party to throw under the bus a constituency that it knows has no viable political alternative. True, if the Supreme Court holds that the federal definition of marriage in DOMA is unconstitutional, this will prove to be moot, but as of today, what the Court will do is still anyone's guess, and this does not seem to be of concern to the Democratic party.
On the other hand, an amnesty program for people who are currently here illegally will only incentivise more people to come here illegally in the future. The height or number of patrol personnel on a border fence does not change this. Rewarding illegal behavior encourages illegal behavior -- this is a fact of human nature.
One final point. The inability of the national discourse on immigration to acknowledge the distinction between legal and illegal immigration is confounding and frustrating. I am not anti-immigrant -- I am anti-illegal immigrant. Increasing the number of individuals we allow to come here legally is a totally separate issue from rewarding people who come here and break our laws by working without authorization to do so, and commit fraud by using phony social security numbers (yes, even if they are paying into the system, they are still committing fraud). If people who have come here without authorization to do so are now given amnesty, this will come at the expense of law abiding, would-be immigrants, who have waited their turn to come here lawfully. There is no justice in that.